It is especially important to a manager or supervisor and their direct reports, and this is usually achieved through one on one meetings This article helps you prepare for this type of meeting by providing sample questions and a high quality one on one meeting template How to Conduct a Productive OneOnOne Meeting Part 1One on one meetings, 11s, 1 2 1s, one on ones, or 1 on 1s Whatever you call them, they're one of the most powerful tools you have as a manager Many managers have one on one meetings with their teams, but too often, they waste them Status updates, awkward silences, and frequent cancellations are just a few of the symptoms of ineffective one on ones With December upon us (already!), many managers have been asking me if I have a oneonone meeting template for their endoftheyear review with a direct report Yes, I do have one 🙂 The end of the year is an opportune time — an ideal time, truly — to reflect together with your direct report, on what went well, what didn't...